
The #1 Reason You Can’t Trust Your “Rational” Mind

There are times when you have to make important decisions that will change the course of your life.

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For example, when you have to decide whether or not to accept a job offer.

Or when you’re wondering whether you should divorce or break up.

Or if it’s a good time to start a family, or move to a different city, or start a business.

Sometimes, though, you may be faced with far simpler decisions that nonetheless may hold a lot of psychological weight, like deciding whether or not you should confront that friend or how to bring up a sobering truth about your relationship with your partner.

These can feel gut-wrenching because we’re afraid of making the wrong decision.

We don’t want to make a situation worse.

We analyze, go back and forth, ask friends for advice, search the internet and generally turn outside of ourselves for the answers.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. The majority of us have been conditioned to do exactly that.

But the one thing I want you to take away from reading this article is that making a critical decision in life just using your “rational” thinking mind is a trap.

I’m going to reveal a much, much better way of making decisions that doesn’t involve your thinking mind AT ALL.

This Is What Happens When You Use Your “Rational” Thinking Mind to Make an Important Life Decision

I work with many clients who think and think and think—who are addicted to thinking—and who make themselves crazy analyzing every part of their life.

“What if this happens?”

“Why is this happening to me?”

“What if I said this?”

“What about?…Why?”

On and on, and never getting answers. At least not ones they’re content with!

They don’t arrive at an answer because there is no INTENT TO LEARN.

The mind thinks that, because it is asking questions, it is open to learning, but questions such as ’What if…’ are not real questions.

Anytime you are asking a question as a challenge or to predict the future, it means you are not open to learning the full extent of what is true for you—and what is in your highest good right now.

It means you are trying to control the outcome rather than truly being open to learning.

These types of questions will never be able to generate satisfying answers from our thinking mind.

But that’s not the only reason relying on your thinking mind is a trap.

The Thinking Mind Is Full of Conditioned Responses and False Beliefs

The other reason your thinking mind cannot know what is in your highest good is because your mind has been conditioned from childhood to believe certain things about yourself or the world that aren’t necessarily true.

In fact, the mind has been programmed with hundreds of false beliefs.

A belief such as “I can control—with anger or people-pleasing—how others feel about me and treat me” determines much of our behavior that results in pain and broken relationships.

A false belief such as “Resisting being controlled is essential to maintaining my integrity” leads to procrastination and being stuck in life.

These are beliefs that were programmed into our mind when we were much younger and they are based in FEAR.

woman putting hands over her eyes

We were helpless to care for ourselves when we were little, so our mind formed these beliefs in order to help us survive by attempting to “control” our parents or caregivers.

We attempted to control how our parents behaved toward us by pouting, acting out, crying, getting angry, yelling, staying silent, complying or being pleasing.

Then when these actions produced a positive result, it led us to believe that controlling other people was the only way to get love and avoid pain.

Our minds also got programmed with beliefs such as we’re unworthy or we aren’t capable based on experiences in our past.

These were all beliefs that were formed from fear—fear of losing love. However, anything that comes from fear and causes fear and unloving behavior, is NOT based on truth.

The mind believes what it has been programmed to believe, and bases its decisions and actions on these programs. The problem is these programs are mostly lies and false beliefs.

As you can imagine—when we put our faith in decisions made by a thinking mind based on incorrect facts, it’s likely you’ll be steered in the wrong direction.

That’s why when making life-altering choices such as…

  • where you should live,
  • with whom you should be in a relationship
  • what you should doing for a living
  • how to approach difficult situations
  • even what you should eat!

…You end up going round and round in your mind, never feeling satisfied with a decision.

Your mind can’t distinguish between what is REALLY in your highest good and what is good based on the lies you’ve made up about yourself.

There is only one source of truth that can give you the right answer.

And that is your HIGHER GUIDANCE.

The Mind Is Meant to Be a Servant to Our Higher Guidance, Not the Other Way Around

Your Higher Guidance is that part of you that is connected to your Divine essence.

Your soul, your Spirit, God—whatever you want to call it.

You don’t have to be religious to know and experience this truth about yourself.

You don’t even have to believe in God.

Your higher guidance is the limitless, vast source of wisdom that is always available to you but isn’t driven by fear or your conditioned beliefs.

It is always driven by LOVE.

Putting your Higher Guidance in charge means that instead of asking, “What if this happens? What about this or that?” and so on, you ask:

"What is in my highest good in this situation?"

When you ask yourself what’s in your highest good, you become open to learning about yourself instead of trying to control others.

It means that when you feel anxious, you realize this feeling is driven by FEAR, not LOVE. And you know Higher Guidance would never send you a message driven by fear.

You realize that your thinking mind must be telling you a lie. So you ask your guidance:

"What is the TRUTH, and what is the loving action I should take for myself right now?"

It means that when someone yells at you or blames you for something, instead of reacting from your programmed mind, you ask your guidance:

“What is in my highest good at this moment?”

It sounds so simple, but once you begin asking these types of questions, you’ll be surprised by the answers that come up.

Relying on the mind to make loving decisions on your own behalf is like expecting your computer to give you information without going onto the Internet.

Just as the Internet contains a vast amount of information—far more than is programmed into your computer—your Higher Guidance can give you all of the information you need.

Just like the computer to the internet, the mind is meant to be a servant of your higher guidance, not the other way around.

Connecting With Your Guidance Is A Skill You Can Learn

Many of my clients tell me they’d like to trust their Higher Guidance for answers, but they don’t know how to distinguish it from the voice of the mind (the voice of fear, or their wounded self).

That’s understandable. It’s not always easy to distinguish between the two because we’ve spent most of our lives thinking our way out of problems.

women laughing and smiling together

Most of us were never taught how to access our deepest truth.

But once you do learn this life changing skill, everything changes.

You could stop worrying, relax, and get on with life without constantly wondering if you’re on the right path, doing the right thing, and what is best for you and those you love.

You’d feel confident that every decision you make is in your highest good - because your choices are driven by LOVE and not FEAR–even if it feels difficult, or counter productive in the moment.

So how CAN you connect with your higher guidance?

After years of practicing and teaching clients to connect with and communicate with a Higher Guidance I’ve identified a very specific collection of habits, strategies and lifestyle choices extremely effective in opening you up to connect with your Higher Guidance.

You see, most people are energetically blocking their higher guidance without even knowing it!

They go through life living letting their thinking mind direct them, leading to painful relationships, the wrong job, and endless anxiety and self doubt.

The suffering that results can last years, even decades.

I promise you…There’s a better way.

In 30 Days I’ll Teach You How To Connect With Your Guidance and Manifest a Life of Joy and Abundance

I’ve created a 30-day video program dedicated to teaching you the exact steps to take to start connecting with your Highest Power and living a life driven by love, not fear.

It’s called Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom.

In this program, I’ll show you, step-by-step, how you can raise your energetic “frequency” to make it easier to access the voice of your higher guidance anywhere, anytime.

You’ll learn to distinguish between the thinking mind—or the voice of your wounded self—and the voice of your Divine being, or Higher Guidance.

Next, I’ll teach you a “test” you can use each and every time to know if the information you are receiving is from your Higher Guidance or not.

Every day for 30 days, you’ll get a video from me, along with an additional written lesson and an daily action step that will help you practice what you’ve learned.

In Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom you’ll learn:

  • The lies your ego tells you about life that keeps you stuck in a cycle of struggle and disappointment and the one thing that can shift you out of ego and into a state of love and contentment.
  • The wrong kind of questions to ask your Guidance, and why these types of questions are actually constructs of the ego thinking mind.
  • How your traumatic childhood experiences may have conditioned you to disconnect from your feelings and therefore, your higher guidance, and what you can do to heal from the neglect and abuse of your past.
  • What it means to be on a spiritual journey or path, and why it’s the only way to true inner peace, joy and safety.
  • And so much more!

This choice—to put the mind in charge or to put your higher guidance in charge—is the most vital choice you have.

It can be the difference between a life of constant pain and struggle and a life of fulfillment, joy and abundance.


Margaret Paul

Become The Best You Possible And Live Your Best Life

  • The secret to living a deeply fulfilling, love-filled life
  • Banish regret, worry and self-doubt
  • Know what’s in your heart… and follow it
  • Free yourself from self-judgement and fear
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