
Is Your Intuition Trust-Worthy? Here’s How To Know

Have you ever had the feeling that your intuition was trying to tell you something?

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Maybe you were about to do something and you had a panicky, nervous feeling that you couldn’t explain. So you canceled your plans.

Or you met someone new on a date and immediately felt an irrational dislike for them. So you didn’t return their call a day later, even though they seemed nice enough.

Or you received a job offer and a calm feeling of “rightness” washed over you, but you weren’t sure if that was your intuition telling you this was the right move or your relief over finally landing employment.

Intuition can be a tricky thing.

It can lead you to making the right choices for yourself at times…

And other times it can confuse you into thinking something (or someone) is wrong for you when logically it may look like a good thing “on paper”.

You can have a thought that “jolts” you into action because you feel afraid that if you don’t listen to your intuition, bad things will happen. Or you can have a peaceful feeling inside about a decision you’ve made, despite your friends and family being critical and questioning you about it.

This leads me to asking:

How do you know when you’re actually hearing the voice of your intuition?

Is there such a thing as listening to the wrong voice (and making decisions that aren’t good or loving to yourself?)

I’m going to answer these questions, and tell you how you can hone your intuitive powers so you can trust yourself, feel more at peace with your decisions, and be assured that whatever you choose will always be in your highest good.

How Our “Intuition” Can Trick Us—And Why This Happens

I had a client named Glenda who told me that she heard what she thought was the voice of her intuition, or higher guidance, telling her that she didn’t have long to live.

This scared her so much!

When she asked her intuition more questions, like when and where she was going to die, it told her that it would happen within a week on a Saturday. Her anxiety became almost unbearable as the day approached.

Woman eating peanut butter off a spoon

Well, that day came and went and nothing happened, but it did make her ponder how she had been living her life and what changes she wanted to make from then on.

She asked me if this was indeed the voice of her intuition, and if so, why had it told her something untrue that scared her?

I told Glenda that your intuition or higher guidance would never tell you anything to scare you.

The voice she had been hearing was the voice of her ego wounded self, not the voice of her intuition.


Because your wounded self operates out of old fears and false beliefs. It’s usually trying to use CONTROL to get love and avoid pain, at all costs.

Your wounded self wants to control others because it believes you can’t manage your painful feelings of rejection, abandonment, loneliness, boredom, and helplessness. And this part of you can’t manage painful feelings because it has no access to love or truth.

The agenda of the wounded self is always laser-focused on getting love and avoiding pain, right now. Therefore, it will tell you things that aren’t necessarily in your highest good.

And the things it tells you aren’t the truth.

These messages can, at times, feel very much like “intuition” speaking to you. But it’s a trick.

The #1 Question to Ask Yourself To Know If What Your Hearing Is True Intuition Or The Wounded Self

Your intuition or higher guidance always operates from a place of love, acceptance and benevolent wisdom.

There’s one way to know whether you’re listening to the voice of your intuition or the voice of your wounded self:

Ask yourself if what it’s telling you is making you anxious, angry, depressed, ashamed, or scared.

If it is, then you know it’s the voice of your wounded self, NOT your intuition.

When I receive a thought or image that I suspect is my intuition telling me something important about my life, the first thing I do is I check in with my FEELINGS to see if it feels right.

When it does feel right, then I know it is from my higher guidance.

If something about it doesn’t feel right, then I’m suspicious that it is coming from my ego wounded self. If this is the case, I simply remain open, asking my intuition for clarity.

When the thoughts and images I receive line up with what feels right inside, then I know I am on the right track.

When we feel peaceful and full of love inside, we know that we are taking loving care of ourselves and operating from the truth.

When we feel anxious, depressed, angry, shamed or jealous, we know we are abandoning ourselves and telling ourselves lies.

The purpose of our intuitive powers is to guide us in what is loving to ourselves and others. It’s not about shaming or scaring us, or “jolting” us into action.

Intuition is a loving, patient, wise voice that calms you when you listen to it. It is the voice that will tell you what is the right path, the deeper truth and the most loving action.

When you know how to develop and hone your intuitive powers, you are confident that any decision you make and any action you take will always be in your highest good, even when it’s not the easiest path.

It will just FEEL right.

Hone Your Intuitive Powers With Habits and Lifestyle Choices That Raise Your Frequency

Maybe you’ve never trusted your intuition or gut feelings. Maybe you’re not tuned in to your intuition, but wish you were.

Maybe you get messages all the time, but have a hard time distinguishing if it’s your wounded self or your higher guidance speaking to you.

Perhaps you wish you knew a way to hone your intuitive powers, so you could make better decisions for yourself, feel calmer and more confident.

Woman smiling while hugging a man

Yes, some of us are born with a stronger sense of intuition than others, but all of us have the ability to develop it.

This is why I’ve created my 30-day video program, Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom.

Learn More

In this program, I’ll show you, step-by-step, how certain habits, practices and lifestyle choices can make it easier to connect with—and trust—your intuitive powers.

I call these powers your “higher guidance” because they come from a place beyond your thinking mind and your ego wounded self. They come from the limitless, loving place that is everywhere, within us and all around us.

It is the energy of love, comfort and wisdom that is always with you and always guiding you toward your highest good.

Your intuition is connected to Source, spirit, The Universe, or whatever you want to call it, but you don’t need to be religious or even believe in a “God” for this to benefit your life.

In this program, you’ll learn the various ways your intuition or higher guidance communicates with you.

Perhaps in the past you’ve ignored some of these modes of communication because you thought they were just “coincidences” or an inconsequential aspect of life.

I assure you, there are no coincidences and we are missing so much when we don’t pay attention!

You’ll learn how to stay energetically open to the voice of your intuition by eliminating the distractions and blocks that keep you stuck in your wounded self.

You’ll learn what foods to eat that not only vastly improve your health and wellbeing but keep your intuitive powers sharp and clear.

You’ll learn the difference between instinct and intuition, and why you should trust one over the other.

And since you’ll learn how to listen and trust your intuition, you won’t be stuck wondering if this setback or this disappointment is something to be concerned about, or whether you can relax knowing that it’s all in your highest good.

This is a one-of-a-kind program that will teach you skills you’ll use for the rest of your life! It’s a how-to guide on connecting to your inner wisdom and spiritual self.

You can get started today by going here:

Start Watching Now

Your intuition is a great gift; I hope you learn to trust it!


Margaret Paul

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