
Are You Caught in a Negative Feedback Loop, with No Hope of Escape? Here’s How to Free Yourself Once and for All

For decades, you’ve likely lived with a nasty critic inside your head.

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No matter how “good” you are, or how hard you try, it has something critical to say.

When looking in the mirror, it chimes in with “You’ve definitely gained weight. Better figure that out quick before you blow up like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

Sitting at the dinner table with a distracted family, you think “You are completely alone in the world. Your family would trade you for their cell phone, any day of the week.”

When your bad day leads to a Netflix binge, you hear “Oh look, here you go again. Procrastinating as usual. You’d rather throw your life away than do anything meaningful.”

By now, you’ve probably heard that you’re supposed to “Speak to yourself as you would to someone you love.”

But do you do that?

Seems like a nice ideal! But in the real world, taming the nasty critic within can feel like trying to kill a fire-breathing dragon with a pool noodle!

After years of torment, you’ve likely resigned yourself to your inner critic’s bitter existence. But what if you could live without the stress, anxiety and self-punishment it creates?

It may seem like this inner critic is ultimately harmless—after all, it’s not real.

But it’s costing you, big time.

Have you heard the saying “Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create actions. Actions create your reality”?

These negative thought loops and punishing inner narratives are dangerous if left unchecked.

In fact, they can lead to self-sabotaging behavior that actually perpetuates the negative thought loops to begin with!

Let’s take an example from above…

At work, your boss yells at you when you make an innocent, but costly mistake.

“I knew you would fail. You always fail, eventually,” your inner nasty critic chimes in.

You’re cut off in traffic, nearly ramming into the car in front of you. “No one cares about you, or anyone else. The world is an unsafe place,” says the inner critic.

Arriving at home, you turn on the last season of Friends. “You have to watch Friends on TV, because you have no real friends of your own. Your life stinks,” Miss Inner Critic complains.

These negative thought loops are actually self-perpetuating! As they wreak havoc on your self-esteem, you reach for things to numb the pain and drown out your inner critic.

What if instead, you…

  • Didn’t have to reach for things to numb out this voice—Netflix, ice cream, chocolate, social media, alcohol?
  • Naturally made healing, positive choices and answered back with love when your insecurity, self-loathing and inner critic were crowding your mind?
  • Could activate a stronger force within that generates a flow of positive experiences, helping you think positively while growing your self-love by leaps and bounds?
  • Loved your inner voice so much that you can’t wait to spend time with it—meditating, journaling, and doing all sorts of healthy things that unlock deeper levels within you?

It may seem impossible to choose healthier thoughts, feelings and behaviors, especially when your inner critic is breathing down your back… but what if it wasn’t?

The truth is… you’re just in the habit of thinking negatively, and cow-towing to your inner critic.

What you need is a new sheriff in town… one who loves and supports you without criticizing, condemning or ridiculing you secretly.

How do you create this?

By activating your inner wisdom!

When your inner wisdom is in charge, you naturally crowd out the cruel, hurtful commentary of your inner critic, replacing it with wise nudges, kind words and healing presence.

happy woman flowers

What does a life led by your inner wisdom look like?

  • You feel inspired by electric shocks of insight and ideas that help you create more fun, joy, pleasure and success.
  • Self-healing activities feel fun and you naturally reach for them instead of the same negative habits—you do yoga, go running, and take hikes in nature without berating yourself to do them.
  • You naturally comfort your emotions—fear, sadness, doubt, anger, confusion all create peace and belonging within you, rather than tension and pain.
  • Others are drawn toward your healing presence, naturally relaxing around you and expressing more of their own positive nature.

How can you create this?

By following the six-part formula I share inside my course, Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom: Live Your Life Guided by Loving Wisdom and Your Deepest Truth.

We all have baggage. Years of pain, disappointment and betrayal have left many of us with scars that make us skeptical, distrustful and downright pessimistic.

You may hear slogans like “Trust the Universe!” and roll your eyes, while secretly swallowing a hot ember of desire.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy?” You think.

With the lessons I teach inside this course—it can be!

I’ll show you that activating your inner wisdom so that you have a constant, supportive best friend within you… always pushing you in the right direction… is easier than you think.

And while other programs force you to rehearse mantras, affirmations and bhajans while doing headstands and drinking green juice…

The Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom course meets you where you are now, without running yourself ragged in the process.

Want to create unlimited joy, direction and peace of mind that turns you into a magnet for fun experiences, abundance and love?


Margaret Paul

Become The Best You Possible And Live Your Best Life

  • The secret to living a deeply fulfilling, love-filled life
  • Banish regret, worry and self-doubt
  • Know what’s in your heart… and follow it
  • Free yourself from self-judgement and fear
  • Generate energy and wellness to supercharge your life
  • Create happiness for the rest of your life

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